Principal's Report

Activities Week
The last week of Term 2 hosts a number of alternative programs at each year level. It is pleasing to see the variety of options that are offered to our young people with your support as parents/carers. We can offer this special program week due to the generosity of our staff and I thank, in advance, all who have committed additional time to this week, especially given that we continue to manage high levels of absenteeism due to sickness. With pressure on schools to try and reduce the after hours commitments for teachers, I am conscious that the ongoing viability of camps relies on significant goodwill. Those who remain behind at the College will also have additional responsibilities to ensure that our co-curricular programs at school are rich and engaging and staffed accordingly.
GAT Arrangements
The General Achievement Test on Thursday, June 15 is compulsory for all students completing a Year 12 subject. At 天美传媒, we will have over 400 students sitting this exam, which is in two parts. The arrangements for the day are as follows:
- Years 7 to 9 - normal timetabled classes
- Year 10 - English exam in morning, no scheduled classes in afternoon
- Year 11, 12 - GAT, no scheduled classes
The Senior Year Level Leaders will send out more specific instructions to students so that they are aware of their program for the day.
The Long Walk
Last Tuesday, we conducted The Long Walk as part of our Reconciliation Week activities. Stopping our usual activities to take The Long Walk reinforces the message to our students and community that we are committed to working towards reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our special guests, Leanne, Uriah and Mikaela from the Long Walk Foundation, commented on the vibrant spirit of the occasion and its ongoing significance, especially in a year in which there is a referendum on the Voice to Parliament. Thanks to Ms Grace, the Catholic Life Team and our FIRE Carriers.
Winter Sleepout
Congratulations to the students and staff who participated in our winter sleepout last week to raise awareness for homelessness, and thank you to Mrs Martha Mugamu, Justice and Outreach Coordinator, for creating this opportunity. We continue to seek support for the Vinnies Winter Appeal and students are encouraged to bring two cans to be collected in Homeroom for distribution to those in our community who are in need.
天美传媒 Sports and Multifunctional Project
I am pleased to update you on this exciting development and announce that a start-up meeting with the building contractor occurred this week in preparation for works to commence during the upcoming holidays. As the contractors take over the site of the new hardcourts development on our Great Ryrie Street boundary, there will be some unavoidable restrictions put in place to limit student access to this area in the interests of everyone鈥檚 safety. We expect that buses will continue to access their drop off zone and parents/carers will also be largely unaffected in their access to the car drop off zone. However, it is likely that there will be times during the build, especially when large infrastructure is being delivered, that we may need to limit access. We have asked the building contractor for notice so that we can provide warning to you in regards to unavoidable inconvenience. Special thanks at this time to Luke Russ, Director of Compliance and Infrastructure Development, for his work to bring the project to this point where we will start to see changes on the ground. As the project progresses, we will provide flyovers so that you can see what is happening on the site.
Performing Arts
It has been a great privilege to be able to attend our theatre and witness the development of our performing arts students over the last couple of weeks. A number are performing publicly for the first time and are understandably very nervous. Very appreciative audiences have helped, and I want to thank those who have attended to support their young people. Thank you, also, to our talented performing arts staff who are encouraging their students to rise to the occasion. Finally, well done to our young performers for putting in the time and effort to prepare. I hope you have found it very rewarding.
Year 7 Enrolment Reminder
A reminder to our families that applications for enrolment in Year 7 for 2025 close on Friday, August 19 and that we will not presume that you wish to enrol your Year 5 child just because you have an older child currently enrolled at the College. Please contact the College Registrar, Ms Madeleine Kalla on 9259 3008, should you have any questions.
National Review on Education
Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education, is inviting you to contribute to the National Review of Education by completing this . The survey asks for your views on matters relating to improving education outcomes, supporting student health and wellbeing and teacher retention. The survey is open until June 23.
Advance Notice
Term 3 commences for all students on Tuesday, July 11. Monday, July 10 is a Staff Professional Learning Day on building collective efficacy through small group collaborative projects to improve student learning outcomes.
Darren Atkinson