Principal's Report

Thanks for Term 1
As we reach the end of term, I want to offer thanks for all of the gifts of Term 1. It is a time rich in activities and new experiences as we welcome students, staff and families to our community. I would like to thank our students for returning to school this year with such a positive outlook and I appreciate that this mindset starts in the home with your encouragement and guidance. Thanks also to the 天美传媒 staff who continue to show that they are educators of the highest calibre. We will celebrate the end of term next week with a Family Mass on Tuesday night in our chapel, commencing at 7:30pm.
For Christians, Easter is the most important festival in the liturgical calendar, as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the cornerstone of our tradition and the essential truth on which our belief is founded. Easter is a time of saying thanks for the year that has passed, asking forgiveness for the many times that we have failed to live up to our own expectations, and going forward with confidence that we are forgiven and loved. It is also a time that many families get the opportunity to catch up and share a meal together. Whatever Easter may mean for you, I hope that your family's celebration is rich and life-giving.
Parent Teacher Meetings
A reminder to all parents and students that our Parent Teacher Meetings for Semester 1 take place on Monday, April 24 or Friday, April 28. These meetings provide feedback in regards to student progress to supplement the information provided in PAM. As per previous correspondence, bookings open on Sunday, April 2 at 6pm.
Caring for our Teachers
When you find a quiet moment, I鈥檇 like you to reflect upon your own schooling and what you remember. I appreciate that not all remember their school days fondly; however, most people, in my experience, can recall a teacher who made a difference, sometimes profoundly. Put simply, we need great teachers, as they can change lives for the better. As you would be aware from media reports, we are experiencing a period of chronic teacher shortage in Australia, and while more fortunate than many other schools, 天美传媒 is not immune. As this is a densely researched topic there are many experts offering opinions. But there remain two core issues: our young people do not appear to see teaching as an attractive career and those who do choose this profession have a very high attrition rate, with many not continuing beyond five years. What is clear is that if we want to retain our great teachers we need to address workload concerns, and as importantly, ensure that teachers feel respected. I share this in advance of Parent Teacher Student Interviews next term and with gratitude that 天美传媒 is a community that is already proud of the way we show each other kindness.
Open Day Thanks
We enjoyed an excellent turnout on Sunday, March 19 for Open Day. The College was presented very well and we have received a number of compliments from visitors, especially about the fine young people who acted as student guides and showed off their school with such pride. Thank you to all staff, student volunteers and other helpers who made it such a successful day. We are expecting that there will be continued healthy interest in enrolment and applications are open for those wanting a place in Year 7 in 2025. Applications close on August 19, 2023. Current families are reminded that we do not presume that you will be seeking enrolment for younger siblings and that an application is essential.
Harmony Day
Harmony Day continues to be one of the highlights of our College calendar and this year proved no exception. The students were given the opportunity to hear from interesting speakers, sharing insights into their personal stories. There was also dance, music and martial arts to help highlight and celebrate the wonderful riches that our cultural diversity can offer in Australia. A focus of Harmony Day was the plight of those less fortunate that agencies such as Caritas support both financially and through advocacy. Striving to see 鈥淕od in the other鈥 is truly a Lenten mission.
EISM Swimming Championships
Congratulations to the team that represented 天美传媒 at MSAC on Monday. It was great to see so many students take this opportunity to test themselves against the most able swimmers in EISM and get such pleasing results. Thanks to the coaches and the many parents who make participation in events such as these possible.
School Uniform
We allow a two week change over to full winter uniform from the start of Term 2 i.e. students can wear summer uniform if the weather is still warm until May 5. From Monday, May 8, all students must wear the full winter uniform, which includes their blazer. The College hat is not required in Terms 2 and 3, but all students are encouraged to remain Sun Smart, especially during outdoor activities.
Honour Roll Dinner
We had the great pleasure of inducting two former students into the 天美传媒 Honour Roll last Friday evening. Professor Shez Cairney and Mr Paul Desmond have both dedicated their lives to work to improve outcomes for others and it was a great privilege to recognise their achievements and celebrate with their families and friends. Professor Cairney and Mr Desmond are both profiled in the alumni section of the College website. You will also see the nomination forms for Honour Roll and Leading Lights on our website and we welcome the nomination of candidates so that we can recognise the achievements of other 天美传媒 alumni.
MACS Announcement
Please find attached in the announcement of Dr Edward Simons as the new Executive Director of MACS.
First Week of Term 2
Monday, April 24 - Parent Teacher Student Interviews (no student classes)
Tuesday, April 25 - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Wednesday, April 26- Students return
Friday, April 28 - Parent Teacher Student Interviews (no student classes)
Darren Atkinson